Community Action
Every year Linked in Fellowship Enterprise (L.I.F.E.) honors our community leaders for all the hard work that they do to create a productive environment. We have an awards ceremony called Community Action Award, held at our annual September conference.
Who deserves an award?
Individuals, promoting positivity in the community, community participation, individuals whom have gone beyond the call of duty, and person or persons contributing in developing encouraging deeds within the community. Etc….. Etc…..
There will be an honoree from 2 groups teen(s) 13-17 and adult(s) 18- over
Nominate someone!
Please take the time to nominate a family member, friend, colleague, client, small group, employee, or employer who deserves to be celebrated! You can nominate more then one individual.
How to nominate:
- Go to our email & Put in subject Community Action
- Give your name and contact info
- Give person, persons or group name and contact info that you are nominating (you can nominate from each group teens & adults or just one group)
- Give a brief statement 250 words or less on why they are being nominated
All nominations must be emailed to L.I.F.E. by May 31st midnight!
If selected, you and the person or persons nominated will be contacted and invited to our yearly conference as VIP's and the nominee will be honored.
Nominees are also given a certificate and a plaque!
We look forward to hearing from you soon!